In every transaction, Mulia Valasindo Money Changer requires:
Mulia Valasindo Money Changer accepts real money and still valid according to central bank which published the currency. We don't accept coins.
Mulia Valasindo Money Changer accepts cash and bank transfer for payment.
If you trade currency more than USD 25.000 in every Indonesian bank or money changer in a month, Bank Indonesia (central bank of the Republic of Indonesia) requires you to write your reason for buying (underlying transaction) such as bills, invoice, etc according to Bank Indonesia's regulation No. 17/13/PBI/2015.
If the currency you want to trade is not available, Mulia Valasindo Money Changer will try to prepare the currency in the next working day.
Mulia Valasindo Money Changer has a delivery service with third party service or you can contact us via Whatsapp.
If someone come to Mulia Valasindo on your behalf, the person needs to bring:
Mulia Valasindo has the right to refuse a transaction if you don't bring the required documents.
Money with bad condition has a possibility to have a different price.
Please count and check your money before you leave our counter. Mulia Valasindo Money Changer will not accept any complaints after you leave our counter.